Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 64 bit 11.1.3000
Full internal name: | sqlncli64 |
Project site: | |
Screen shots: | |
Download: | Download Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 64 bit 11.1.3000 VirusTotal results |
Change log: | n/a |
Description: | contains the SQL Server ODBC driver and the SQL Server OLE DB provider in one native dynamic link library (DLL) supporting applications using native-code APIs (ODBC, OLE DB and ADO) to Microsoft SQL Server Version numbers:
kw: sqlncli |
License: | unknown |
Version: | 11.1.3000 |
SHA-1 or SHA-256: | 3f48f58dcf9855b4c0f7c23c946a67ae0800abd2e561216eb60e623b61a30fe1 |
Type: | one file |
Dependencies: |
Tags: | |
Text files: | .Npackd\Install.bat: for /f "delims=" %%x in ('dir /b *.msi') do set setup=%%x mkdir .Npackd move "%setup%" .Npackd set err=%errorlevel% if %err% neq 0 exit %err% rem MSIFASTINSTALL: msiexec.exe /qn /norestart /Lime .Npackd\InstallMSI.log /i ".Npackd\%setup%" INSTALLDIR="%CD%" ALLUSERS=1 MSIFASTINSTALL=7 IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES set err=%errorlevel% type .Npackd\InstallMSI.log rem list of errors: rem 3010=restart required if %err% equ 3010 goto cont if %err% neq 0 exit %err% :cont .Npackd\Uninstall.bat: move .Npackd\*.msi . for /f "delims=" %%x in ('dir /b *.msi') do set setup=%%x rem MSIFASTINSTALL: msiexec.exe /qn /norestart /Lime .Npackd\UninstallMSI.log /x "%setup%" MSIFASTINSTALL=7 set err=%errorlevel% type .Npackd\UninstallMSI.log rem 3010=restart required if %err% equ 3010 exit 0 rem 1605=unknown product if %err% equ 1605 exit 0 if %err% neq 0 exit %err% |
Last modified: | Tue Dec 28 22:54:25 UTC 2021 |
Last modified by: | tim.lebedk... |
Created: | Sun Oct 02 12:48:59 UTC 2016 |
Created by: | tim.lebedk... |
Automated tests: | 35 of 47 installations succeeded, 35 of 35 removals succeeded |