Python 64 bit 2.6.6

Full internal name:org.python.Python64
Project site:
Screen shots:
Download: Download Python 64 bit 2.6.6

VirusTotal results
Change log:n/a

programming language

License:PSF license
SHA-1 or SHA-256:CA745FC63E36DE3D7A9AED771BBB60BA5D9DD5F4
Type:one file
Text files:
for /f "delims=" %%x in ('dir /b *.msi') do set setup=%%x
copy "%setup%" .Npackd
msiexec.exe /qn /norestart /Lime .Npackd\MSI.log /i "%setup%" TARGETDIR="%CD%" ALLUSERS=1
set err=%errorlevel%
type .Npackd\MSI.log
rem 3010=restart required
if %err% equ 3010 exit /b 0
if %err% neq 0 exit /b %err%
move .Npackd\*.msi .
for /f "delims=" %%x in ('dir /b *.msi') do set setup=%%x
msiexec.exe /qn /norestart /Lime .Npackd\MSI.log /x "%setup%"
set err=%errorlevel%
type .Npackd\MSI.log
rem 3010=restart required
if %err% equ 3010 exit /b 0
if %err% neq 0 exit /b %err%
Last modified:Sat May 15 09:08:55 UTC 2021
Last modified by:tim.lebedk...
Created:Tue Aug 02 20:49:21 UTC 2016
Created by:tim.lebedk...
Automated tests:0 of 0 installations succeeded, 0 of 0 removals succeeded