Notepad++ 64 bit 7.7

Full internal name:notepadpp64
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Download: Download Notepad++ 64 bit 7.7

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text editor

SHA-1 or SHA-256:c2e485758de1c7f3768b30778852a3b2624b6803d5c40411e9685cce478f5ff4
Type:one file
    Text files:
    xcopy "%allusersprofile%\Npackd\Config\net.sourceforge.NotepadPlusPlus" .  /E /C /I /F /H /R /Y > .Npackd\Output.txt && type .Npackd\Output.txt
    for /f "delims=" %%x in ('dir /b *.exe') do set setup=%%x
    "%setup%" /S /D=%CD%
    if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%
    set package=net.sourceforge.NotepadPlusPlus
    set version=%NPACKD_PACKAGE_VERSION%
    set key=%package%
    reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications\%KEY%\shell\open /v FriendlyAppName /d "Notepad++ (%version%)" /f > .Npackd\Output.txt && type .Npackd\Output.txt
    set c=\"%CD%\notepad++.exe\" \"%%1\"
    reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications\%KEY%\shell\open\command /d "%c%" /f > .Npackd\Output.txt && type .Npackd\Output.txt
    for %%g in (txt log ini h hpp hxx c cpp cxx cc m java cs pas inc html htm php phtml properties js jsp asp css xml sh bsh nsi nsh lua pl pm py as mx vb vbs f for f90 f95 f2k tex sql nfo mak hgignore) do reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.%%g\OpenWithList\%key% /f > .Npackd\Output.txt && type .Npackd\Output.txt
    reg add "HKCR\*\shell\Notepad++\command" /ve /f /d "\"%cd%\notepad++.exe\" %%1" > .Npackd\Output.txt && type .Npackd\Output.txt
    rmdir /s /q "%allusersprofile%\Npackd\Config\net.sourceforge.NotepadPlusPlus"
    xcopy Plugins "%allusersprofile%\Npackd\Config\net.sourceforge.NotepadPlusPlus\Plugins" /E /C /I /F /H /R /Y > .Npackd\Output.txt && type .Npackd\Output.txt
    set package=net.sourceforge.NotepadPlusPlus
    set version=%NPACKD_PACKAGE_VERSION%
    set key=%package%
    set newname=%key%_%random%
    ren %appdata%\Notepad++ %newname%
    uninstall.exe /S _?=%CD%
    if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%
    ren %appdata%\%newname% Notepad++
    rem unregister "Open With..." entries
    reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications\%KEY% /f > .Npackd\Output.txt && type .Npackd\Output.txt
    for %%g in (txt log ini h hpp hxx c cpp cxx cc m java cs pas inc html htm php phtml properties js jsp asp css xml sh bsh nsi nsh lua pl pm py as mx vb vbs f for f90 f95 f2k tex sql nfo mak hgignore) do reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.%%g\OpenWithList\%key% /f > .Npackd\Output.txt && type .Npackd\Output.txt
    reg delete HKCR\*\shell\Notepad++ /f > .Npackd\Output.txt && type .Npackd\Output.txt
    rem remove Explorer extension
    set trash=..\.Trash\%key%_%random%
    mkdir %trash%
    move NppShell*.dll %trash%
    Last modified:Sat May 15 09:33:56 UTC 2021
    Last modified by:tim.lebedk...
    Created:Wed May 22 06:48:27 UTC 2019
    Created by:tim.lebedk...
    Automated tests:2 of 2 installations succeeded, 2 of 2 removals succeeded