HWiNFO 64 bit 4.62

Full internal name:hwinfo64
Project site:http://www.hwinfo.com/
Screen shots:
Download: Download HWiNFO 64 bit 4.62


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professional hardware information and diagnostic tools supporting latest components, industry technologies and standards. Both tools are designed to collect and present the maximum amount of information possible about computers hardware which makes them suitable for users searching for driver updates, computer manufacturers, system integrators and technical experts as well. Retrieved information is presented in a logical and easily understandable form and can be exported into various types of reports.

SHA-1 or SHA-256:da73cbb15556d83e2042edea4143001ff9045150
Type:one file
    Text files:
    for /f "delims=" %%x in ('dir /b *.exe') do set setup=%%x
    "%setup%" /SP- /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NOCANCEL /NORESTART /DIR="%CD%" /SAVEINF="%CD%\.Npackd\InnoSetupInfo.ini" /LOG="%CD%\.Npackd\InnoSetupInstall.log"
    set err=%errorlevel%
    type .Npackd\InnoSetupInstall.log
    if %err% neq 0 exit %err%
    unins000.exe /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /LOG="%CD%\.Npackd\InnoSetupUninstall.log"
    set err=%errorlevel%
    type .Npackd\InnoSetupUninstall.log
    if %err% neq 0 exit %err%
    Last modified:Sat May 15 09:06:13 UTC 2021
    Last modified by:tim.lebedk...
    Created:Sun May 03 17:14:45 UTC 2015
    Created by:tim.lebedk...
    Automated tests:20 of 21 installations succeeded, 20 of 20 removals succeeded