Android Studio 0.8

Full internal name:android-studio
Project site:
Screen shots:
Download: Download Android Studio 0.8

VirusTotal results
Change log:n/a

WARNING: start “bin\studio.exe” instead of “bin\studio64.exe” if you only have 32 bit JDK installed.
WARNING 2: environment variable “JAVA_HOME” should be defined and should point to a valid JDK (e.g. “C:\Program Files\JDK”)
IDE for android development

License:Apache License 2.0
SHA-1 or SHA-256:e5cb9f9f2cd81198d23bad8b2cc411572f871cde
Type:one file
Text files:
for /f "delims=" %%x in ('dir /b *.exe') do set setup=%%x
"%setup%" /S /D=%CD% && del /f /q "%setup%"
"%myun%\myuninst.exe" /uninstall "Android Studio"
Last modified:Sat May 15 08:50:56 UTC 2021
Last modified by:tim.lebedk...
Created:Mon Feb 02 22:46:27 UTC 2015
Created by:tim.lebedk...
Automated tests:2 of 2 installations succeeded, 2 of 2 removals succeeded